
Nutty putty cave death pictures
Nutty putty cave death pictures

In any case, John kept pushing through until he couldn’t continue. Ed’s Push has four uncharted passageways at its end, but they are all too small for a human (if he instead pushed into the Scout Eater, it similarly has a small passageway that doesn’t lead anywhere). It does not lead anywhere, at least nowhere a 6-foot 200-pound man can fit. Now, Ed’s Push does not lead to a larger room. It is unclear from the conflicting sources on the internet whether John entered the Birth Canal and accidentally turned and wriggled into the Scout Eater or if he had missed the Birth Canal entirely and crawled into another passageway, just next to the Birth Canal, called Ed’s Push. The tunnel got wider at the bottom, but it was already too late. Confidently, John pressed forward, perhaps noticing He continued to inchįorward, but the narrow passage did not come to an end instead, the squeeze John went first: he wriggledįorward for some time but did not see any larger area. Passageway that eventually opens up into a larger room. Josh, and two of their friends decided to take up a challenge they had heardĪbout – namely passing through the Birth Canal, a narrow and challenging The party hadĮxplored the largest room in the cave, aptly named the Big Slide. Group that finally entered the Nutty Putty Cave.Įverything went smooth for an hour or so.

nutty putty cave death pictures

They weren’t alone: 9 more friends andĪcquaintances had joined them, so by caving standards, it was quite a large on Wednesday, just a few days before Thanksgiving when

nutty putty cave death pictures

Rekindle their love for caving and picked Nutty Putty Cave as their nextĬonquest. On November 24, 2009, the brothers John and Josh decided to

Nutty putty cave death pictures